swimming blog In the fast lane

Swimming laps in the pool is a great way to stay fit and healthy. But it won’t be sufficient to make you a faster, stronger or more efficient swimmer over time. Variation in your training routine is key and sprinting is the most effective way to im... read on »

Efficiency and consistency. It is the holy grail of sport. In fact, it is the password to most things in life. How do you become a more efficient and consistent swimmer? It is a question, so frequently asked, we’ve dedic... read on »

Once upon a time, in a land far away, there was a swimmer and her coach. She asked the question that every swimmer would ask, “Coach, how can I become better at flip turns?” The coach looked hard at her, down the length of pool and then ... read on »

You may have wondered why someone else's kick is faster than yours? We are all different in this aspect, and not just between men and women. Your kicking strength and efficiency are determined by leg strength, flexibility and practice. It&r... read on »

We have all seen competitive swimmers swim with such ease and smoothness. The way their arms move over the water looks like it does not cost them any energy at all. The arm recovery is when swimmers take a tiny break from swimming after each pull-th... read on »

The life of a fisherman; patiently waiting for the right catch. Being very careful, reeling the line in slowly to give the impression that the bait is alive. This patience for the catch is precisely the patience you need as a swimmer for yours. For those... read on »


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